Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Homeopathic Treatment For Acne

Acne and Acne scars are the most common problems found among the people of almost all ages. Although teenagers face eruptions of acne more frequently and consistently, people in their middle and old ages too, are prone to allergies and skin eruptions of all kind. Thus, age of a person hardly matters when it comes to skin eruptions, acne and acne scars.

Acne is the commonest of all kind of skin allergies and it is quite recurring, which influences people to take up natural herbal remedy to cure them.

With the advancement of medical science, a large number of conventional medicines are available in the market these days, but they again have their own side effects. In some cases, these conventional medicines worsen the problem rather than curing it. As such, more and more people are turning to the safer and natural options of homeopathy for the purpose of treating themselves.

People's inclination towards homeopathic acne solutions is gradually gaining popularity. Homeopathic treatment, as far as acne and acne scars are concerned, has variable success rate but what makes this holistic treatment all the more popular is, there are negligible or no side effects. But, it must however be noted that homeopathic treatment is a time consuming treatment and it does not reap instant results, unlike the typical conventional type of medicines. The advantage of homeopathy treatment is that, while addressing even a minute problem like acne, it takes into consideration all the aspects of that particular problem and tries to treat the problem from the very base so as to root out the problem from its very source.

It is for this very purpose that some people seem quite confused and feel irritated when they visit a homeopath for treating their acne problems, and find the practitioner asking quite irrelevant questions which are in no way connected to acnes. But it needs to be noted that the role of an experienced homeopath is to analyze the full case history of the patient, note down and understand the details of his symptoms and then select the remedy that is the fittest to treat the particular case. The common components of homeopathic medicines are calendula, hepar sulfur, graphite, silicea, and sulphur.

It is true that homeopathy treatments do not have the benefit of the modern medical science studies; but it is also true that homeopathy medication have succeeded in treating and successfully reducing the typical symptoms of acne.

Common Homeopathy Remedies for Acne
One of the highly recommended homeopathic remedies for treating acne related problem is Silicea. It is believed to be a primary remedy for acnes and it works wonderfully on skin related disorders of all kind. If used appropriately, Silicea can be a powerful tool for assisting individuals and enabling them to root out the acne problems from the base.

Apart from Silicea, some of the other commonly used homeopathic remedies for treating acne and acne scars are Kali bromatum, Sileneum, Hepar Sulphur, Mizoreum and Staphysagria.

Are Homeopathy Medicines Safe
Homeopathy medicines have so far been claimed to be the safest; safer than the allopath or the synthetic medicines. It is true that these medicines hardly give rise to any side effects. Homeopaths claim that the medication is safe because the key ingredients are present in minimum quantities.

Very often we come across a rise in symptom or a particular disease with the intake of homeopathy medicine. But it must be remembered that this is the initial reaction of the medication and is a part of the remedial measures.

Precaution in Diet during the Treatment
In homeopathy, the medicine and its effects get absorbed directly by the tongue. As such, while under the homeopath's treatment, people are generally advised to avoid the intake of raw onions, anything sour, coffee, camphor and others.

By Abhishek Lodha

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